Saturday, October 20, 2007

Entreprenuers seek support for apparel park

INDORE: The Madhya Pradesh governments’ claims that it will protect interest of the local industrialists and entrepreneurs have proved futile। The government seems to be hardly concerned about the plight of local investors and they are being treated like an alien in their own land.

The chief minister's recently visited Indore in connection with the global investors meet. The local industrialists raised their concern and explained the bottlenecks coming their way.
An industrialist asked for government's support for the opening of an apparel park in Indore, since the city is among top five cities in the country in the manufacturing of readymade garments.

The Chief Minister was reminded about the promise he had given about eight per cent subsidy to small-scale industries। The Chief Minister did not commit anything about the IT City project. No assurance was given by the Chief Minister about the IT Park to be opened for private investors.

At the outset for the preparations for the global investors meet, the local industrialists had approached the then industry minister Babulal Gaud apprising him of their willingness and full-fledged participation in the global investors meet so that investors could have got an opportunity to take a closer look at the existing industrial scenario in the state and instill confidence in them for making an investment in the state but then state government gave a cold shoulder to their पलास.

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