Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cricket in the pink

Pink balls will be used in some cricket matches next season as experiments are conducted to see if they are more visible to players।

The MCC, the game's law-makers, are working with scientists on the new fluorescent ball this winter and it will be used in university and second XI matches early next summer.
If successful it could be extended to county cricket, with the ultimate aim of it being used in one-day internationals।

MCC head of cricket John Stephenson told The Times: "Paint tends to flake off white balls and we have asked Kookaburra to produce a batch of pink ones because these show up much better.
"The challenge is to produce a ball which retains its colour - I doubt it will be any more expensive to produce or buy।"

White balls are currently used in one-day internationals but they are changed after 34 overs due to wear and tear।

The MCC hope the pink one will prove more durable. It is not the first time the game has experimented with different coloured balls, with orange ones tried in the Refuge Assurance Cup in 1989.

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